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How to arrange the emergency lighting in the clean workshop?

Time:2022-03-29 Source: unknown Click:Second

1、 Layout scheme

1. Look at the design standards of industrial buildings. Generally, there is a professional detailed introduction to the emergency evacuation indicator light of the clean plant behind, which is generally placed on the wall at an interval of no more than 50m.

2.15m one. It is recommended to hang it on the wall, column head and roof. If it is available, it is OK.

3. It is better to select EPS switching power supply system and select several routes from all normal lighting lamps, so that fire safety can be cut off.

2、 Precautions

1. The evacuation indication signs should be placed on the top of the emergency exit or on the evacuation walkway and on the wall at the corner with the height width ratio less than 1m from the road. The spacing of the indication signs on the aisle should not exceed 50m, and the light intensity index value of the fire evacuation lighting lamps on the safety passage should not be less than 0.51x.

2. Reserved lighting fixtures shall be set in the clean plant. Reserved lighting fixtures are lighting fixtures used to ensure that all normal theme activities can be carried out again when all normal lighting fixtures are invalid.

3. The emergency lighting of the clean plant shall be evenly distributed according to the proportion, and its light intensity shall not be less than 10% of the general lighting. The lighting lamps with the same model and specification as the general lighting equipment in the purification room and with batteries can be used.

4. Centralized switching power supply type emergency lighting is a power supply system for decentralized emergency lighting lamps by centralized battery switching power supply equipment. Under normal circumstances, the municipal power supply system will automatically switch to EPS emergency power supply when the voltage is cut off.

The above is the "selection and layout scheme of emergency lighting in clean plant and precautions" introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it can be helpful to you. In fact, there are not particularly high requirements. Generally, a lighting device can be set at a certain distance according to the standard. In order to prevent emergencies, it should be installed carefully.

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